Dopo tre mesi dall'uscita del nuovo album di Shirley Bassey intitolato "the performance" posso davvero dire che è un vero gioiello.
E su tutte,dopo molti ascolti,spicca la bellissima,dolcissima ed emozionante "Almost there".
Scritta da Tom Baxter è una canzone che sin da subito cattura per la sua magica atmosfera e se l'inizio è decisamente intimo il brano si apre completamente durante l'esecuzione per dar spazio a tutta la potenza vocale di Shirley Bassey.
Quando la ascoltai dal vivo fu un vero shock perchè per la prima volta vedevo Shirley Bassey prender fiato e chiudere gli occhi per lo sforzo durante una nota molto forte....per la prima volta le sue braccia non erano in una posa da diva che tanto gioco fa durante le sue esibizioni...per la prima vola le braccia tremavano per accompagnare lo sforzo dell'intero corpo....e fu il tripudio !!!!
Un colpo...una meraviglia...godetevela anche voi !!!
Lei poi è divertentissima prima dell'esecuzione mentre scherza con Tom Baxter sul suo ruolo di "toy Boy" ed esilarante dopo aver bevuto un sorso d'acqua che scherza sul fatto che non fosse Champagne .
Dame Shirley Bassey - Almost there
If you're listening now
I hope that I make more sense,
'Cause now I'm not quite so young,
I'm not quite so foolish in my defence,
Pictures that I hid in my room,
they now come out
And those places we used to go,
I talk about,
And now I'm not the man of your dreams
I took you almost there,
I'll be damned if I care
Now if I'm not your girl
We were almost there
Looks like I've lost you somewhere
And now I'm not the girl in your life
Well ok, maybe it hurts
maybe I still see my lips brush your face,
What the hell,
I'm not fool enough to claim
that I'm over you as yet!
No...oh no, no...
and though I've still got some way to go
Lately I'm almost there,
I'll be damned if I care
Now if I'm not your girl,
We were almost there
Watch me someday,
Yeah somehow I will make it somewhere
I'm going higher...
I'll rise so much higher...
and I'll hold my head higher
Almost there
I still smell that perfume you wear
Although I'm not your man,
We were almost there...!
Almost there...
It looks like it's almost over,
It's almost over
It's almost over..... now
If you're listening now
I hope that I make more sense,
'Cause now I'm not quite so young,
I'm not quite so foolish in my defence,
Pictures that I hid in my room,
they now come out
And those places we used to go,
I talk about,
And now I'm not the man of your dreams
I took you almost there,
I'll be damned if I care
Now if I'm not your girl
We were almost there
Looks like I've lost you somewhere
And now I'm not the girl in your life
Well ok, maybe it hurts
maybe I still see my lips brush your face,
What the hell,
I'm not fool enough to claim
that I'm over you as yet!
No...oh no, no...
and though I've still got some way to go
Lately I'm almost there,
I'll be damned if I care
Now if I'm not your girl,
We were almost there
Watch me someday,
Yeah somehow I will make it somewhere
I'm going higher...
I'll rise so much higher...
and I'll hold my head higher
Almost there
I still smell that perfume you wear
Although I'm not your man,
We were almost there...!
Almost there...
It looks like it's almost over,
It's almost over
It's almost over..... now